
The Royal House of Habsburg © Copyright 2010-2019

The audiovisual material (still images, moving images and sound sequences) made available on the website of House of Habsburg, or any of its Social Media, is offered for information and education purposes and protected by copyright, unless otherwise stated hereafter or in the terms of use accompanying each individual file.

List of Third Party Credits:

Credit and copyright © Habsburg Castle photograph main/home page: Michel Jaussi Photography
Linn (Dorfstrasse) 11  /  CH-5225 Linn / Switzerland

For any use not authorised by this copyright notice and the terms of use accompanying each individual file, prior clearance must be obtained from The House of Habsburg or its copyright holder

All moving images (videos) presented as “Cartoon”, “Clip”, “College”, “Documentary”, “Generic”, “Graphics”, “Magazine” or “Music” may not be edited and must be shown in their entirety, unless prior authorisation by The House of Habsburg has been obtained.

The House of Habsburg shall not object to the use of images for non-commercial information and education purposes on condition that proper credit is given to Copyright holders and creators and except for what can be regarded as Social Media or publication on other websites, unless prior authorisation by The House of Habsburg has been obtained.

Images of buildings, artworks or identifiable persons may not be used and is forbidden without prior permission of the right holder(s). In no event shall The House of Habsburg or its agents or officers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for copyright infringement) arising out of the use of or inability to use the aforementioned images of buildings, artworks or identifiable persons, even if The House of Habsburg has been advised of the possibility of such use.

The making available or communication to the public on any website, medium or physical storage format of audiovisual material containing music is subject to prior clearance of the music rights by the user with the author(s) and/or the national collecting society.

Credit: Users are requested to refer to the credit which accompanies each individual file. Where this is not found, please quote the following copyright:
© House of Habsburg, accompanied by the current year.

Despite all our efforts, we have not yet succeeded in identifying the authors and rights holders for some audiovisual material. If you believe that you may be a rights holder, we invite you to contact The House of Habsburg.