Q: Where is your country? Where is your land?
A: The House of Habsburg is a non-reigning house. It currently has no dominions or lands in its possession.

Q: Is ….. related to …..?
A: Those that bear the family name von Habsburg or Habsburg-Lorraine are related. However, the connection could lie far back in history. The “von” is a surname prefix which literally means “of” as in ‘from’. The current name refers to a small castle in present day Switzerland. Some historians, the general public and also family members have sometimes abbreviated the matriarchal House of Habsburg-Lorraine their surname to Habsburg, von Habsburg, or similar. This is incorrect and conflicts with the original House of Habsburg’s name, which still survives today. Members of the current House of Habsburg are genetically and genealogical direct ancestors through the male line of Charles V whereas the Habsburg-Lorraine originates from the more well known matriarchal lineage through Empress Maria Theresa. While there is a relationship and link between the two families, they are two separate houses/families. They sometimes live quite close by to each other and have a friendly relationship.

Q: Can I buy a Royal Title?
A: No, Royal Titles are not commercial commodities and are not for sale. However, they can be obtained in recognition of services to the House of Habsburg or those who go above and beyond for the benefit of fellow human beings, nature and/or the planet. Only the current head of the House of Habsburg has the exclusive prerogative of conferring legitimate titles of nobility and orders of chivalry to other persons.